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From Betrayal To Breakthrough

Jan 27, 2020

Food can often be something we turn too after a betrayal in our to make ourselves feel better, which can lead to emotional and compulsive overeating. Stephanie Dodier has dedicated her life to helping women begin the journey of reconciling their relationship with food after betrayal and stop overeating. Today we are...

Jan 20, 2020

Clare Dubé is a financial therapist and founder of Smart Chats, a financial service helping couples and business partners save their finances and their relationships. Clare is an expert in taking financial situations from chaos to clarity and connection due to her own family business betrayal, and she works zealously...

Jan 13, 2020

Tommy Breedlove is on a mission to empower humans to build a legendary life. A men’s mindset, relationship, and business coach, Tommy helps guide his audiences and clients to discover their zone of brilliance while living a balanced, meaningful life. An advocate for healing from self-betrayal through self-love, Tommy...

Jan 6, 2020

Did you know that patterns that may arise in your family, such as theft, cheating, and bankruptcy, could actually be being passed down throughout the generations genetically? Ariann Thomas has been exploring the connection between familial patterns and decisions for thirty-five years and helps her clients rewrite...