Jun 29, 2020
Sue Mocker is an author, professional speaker, and hope consultant. Sue works in the spheres of healthcare, ministry, education, and business to make transformational changes in the matters of the heart. After experiencing both marital betrayal and familial betrayal, Sue did the hard work to find hope after healing and...
Jun 22, 2020
Often when we think of health issues as a symptom of an unhealed betrayal we think on the grand scale of things, including cancer and heart disease. But did you know that everything from IBS, to skin issues, headaches, and chronic fatigue, could be a symptom of something greater? If you have experienced any type of...
Jun 15, 2020
If you ask me, fear is the biggest reason we stay stuck in our lives. While fear is at the root of almost everything, it is only by understanding the differences between irrational and realistic fears and constructive and destructive fears that we can reach the power of transformational fear. Dr. Carla Marie Manly is...
Jun 8, 2020
Most good comedy and humor come from the painful parts of life, but have you ever considered how finding the humor in a hard situation could help you heal? Paul Osincup is a humor strategist, TEDx speaker, and leading expert in the professional application of humor to reduce stress, build resilience, increase influence,...
Jun 7, 2020
Stories of burnout are becoming increasingly frequent, but the standard medical community often brushes away the symptoms. After experiencing her own personal burnout, Nikole Stanfield realized that she needed to help others improve themselves through the same personal development. Now an Intuition Coach who helps...