Aug 30, 2021
When you have experienced a traumatic event, it’s easy to get stuck in the victim mentality. But your painful past doesn’t mean that you can’t live a fulfilling life. Take Dawn Burnett’s story of trauma and healing, for one.
Dawn grew up in a broken family and is a survivor of sexual abuse. Through functional...
Aug 27, 2021
Are you afraid to take risks? Do you often doubt your capabilities? If you are, it might be a sign that you’re easily swayed by other people’s opinions.
The people you frequently spend time with have the biggest influence on how you think and behave. This means you should surround yourself with people who inspire...
Aug 23, 2021
The suicide of a loved one can leave people mired in feelings of abandonment, betrayal, anger, and intense sadness. Those they have left behind usually feel confused and even guilty. They may wonder if they are to blame or if they could have done more to prevent it. If you are dealing with this, Jason Holzer knows how...
Aug 20, 2021
People want to be a great source of inspiration to others. When other people try to emulate our positive actions, we feel admired and fulfilled.
But how many times in our lives have we failed to set a good example? What can we do when we’re not showing up the way we want to?
I am Dr. Debi Silber and welcome to...
Aug 16, 2021
Many people who have been in codependent relationships tend to downplay their anger and find it incredibly hard to say no to others. But according to Michelle Farris, people-pleasing can be detrimental, and addressing your anger in a healthy way can help you improve your relationships and avoid resentment.
In this...